

School Uniform

Our school uniform reflects the vision and culture of Little Mead Primary Academy; it reinforces the high expectations and aspirations we hold for all our pupils. It is important that all pupils adhere to our school uniform expectations as this is just one of the ways in which we identify as a school community and promote a sense of cohesive identity.

We have a school uniform for a number of reasons:

  • Equality. School uniforms promote a sense of equality amongst the school community. All pupils are expected to adhere to the school’s uniform guidelines. It reduces social status comparisons and reduces distractions.
  • Unity. A school uniform unites all members of the school community and supports pupils in feeling they belong to their school and their school belongs to them.
  • Pride. School uniforms look smart and professional. They encourage pupils to take pride in their appearance and help them be ready to learn. Pupils are focused on striving for success.

At Little Mead Primary Academy our school uniform consists of:

  • A navy sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • Navy, grey or black trousers, skirt or shorts (Leggings are not suitable for school uniform) or Navy, grey or black shorts or a blue gingham dress/playsuit in the summer
  • Black shoes or trainers. (Stripes, logos or white soles are not appropriate)
  • Tie (Year 6 pupils only)

Our PE kit consists of:

  • navy blue shorts or joggers
  • white t-shirt
  • daps or trainers

Please make sure children come to school with appropriate outdoor wear for the weather; a warm waterproof coat, a hat and scarf, gloves, a sun hat etc 

Jewellery is not allowed (apart from stud earrings and a watch)

You can purchase Little Mead school logo uniform from Monkhouse, please visit their website: https://www.monkhouse.com/

The non-logo uniform can be purchased from many local supermarkets.