
About Our Nursery


Little Mead Primary Academy Nursery

About_nur_1 About_nur_2

We take children from the age of 3 throughout the year. If you wish to pay for extra sessions these cost £20 a session or £40 a day.

At Little Mead Nursery we create an environment that is engaging, safe and fun. The children are encouraged to explore and learn through a balance of adult led activities and child-initiated play. We review the children’s development and needs on a daily basis and provide resources that enable them to discover new ideas, build upon their individual knowledge and understanding and experiment with ways of carrying out different tasks. We want to enable them to be confident and independent learners who can communicate clearly and to develop understanding and positive relationships with peers and adults.

Group A

9.00                       Welcome time   

3:30                       Time to go home (Monday and Tuesday)

12:00                     Time to go home on Wednesday

Group B                                                                                  

12:30                     Welcome time on Wednesday

9:00                       Welcome time Thursday and Friday

3:30                       Time to go home