

Attendance is a key factor in ensuring that children make friends and form strong relationships with adults in school. Furthermore, if children do not attend school, they will not fulfil their potential because they will make slower progress in their learning.


Children that arrive to school on time start the day settled, relaxed and ready to learn. Late arrivals cause disruption within the class which affects everyone.

Arriving at school

  • The school gates open at 8:30am and all children should be in class by 8:45am ready to start the school day.
  • The school gates close at 9:00am and all children should be in class by this time at the latest.
  • Children arriving after 9:00am will need to register via the school office and will be marked as late.
  • Children arriving after 9:30am will need to register via the school office and the morning session will be marked as an unauthorised absence.

My Child is ill

Very occasionally your child may not be well enough to attend school. Please advise the school office by 9.15am of your child’s absence. You can report pupil absence in these ways:



Absences must be reported each day your child is absent.

If your child is not in school and you have not contacted us with a reason for the absence; we will contact you to find out where they are and see if there is anything we can do to support you.

Your child can still attend school if they are suffering from a cold or if they have hurt themselves e.g. due to a sports injury. If you feel that your child needs to rest an injury during the school day, please let us know so that adjustments can be made. It is important that they do not miss out on learning due to this.

If your child becomes unwell in school and needs to be collected, we will telephone you to discuss what is best for your child.

If your child has experienced vomiting or diarrhoea he/she must stay off school for 48 hours after the last episode. There are also strict medical guidelines about returning to school for other types of contagious diseases, e.g. chicken pox - please ring the school office for advice.

Medical & dental appointments
Medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours although we realise this is not always possible.  Should such an appointment occur during the school day, and where possible, please notify the school office in advance. The school office will ask you to provide evidence of the appointment such as a letter, appointment card or text. Your child should still attend school for as much of the day as possible.

Medicine in school

We have a policy for administering medicine in school. Please ask the school office for further information.

Holidays during term time

In-line with government guidance holidays cannot be authorised during term time. Absence during term time can only be authorised by the Head Teachers, in very exceptional circumstances. Families taking unauthorised holidays during term time will be referred to Educational Welfare Services (EWS) who will, in most circumstances, issue a penalty notice.

If you do need to request leave during term date; please speak with the school office who will provide you with a leave request form.

If there are any issues that may be negatively impacting upon your child’s attendance, then we would be happy to discuss this and provide support as appropriate. If so, please email the school office or speak to your child’s Teacher.